Tattoo Removal: How It Works, Process, Healing & Scarring (2024)

What are the types of tattoo removal?

There are different types of tattoo removal available, including:

  • Laser tattoo removal: Lasers are focused beams of light directed onto your skin. Lasers heat up the ink particles in your skin to break them down into smaller particles, which are easier for your immune system to remove. It can take multiple laser therapy sessions to remove a tattoo.
  • Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is a type of surgical procedure where a special tool removes the outer layers of your skin that contain tattoo ink. You’ll need a local or general anesthetic for this procedure. After the procedure, you’ll have an open wound on your skin that needs to heal.
  • Chemical peels: Chemical peels use chemicals like trichloroacetic acid to remove permanent ink from your skin. A provider will apply the chemical to your skin, which will cause the outer layers of your skin to peel.
  • Surgical excision: A surgical excision is a surgical procedure to cut out the skin that contains a tattoo. A surgeon will stitch your remaining skin together after removing the tattooed skin. This procedure works well with small tattoos and isn’t effective for large tattoos.
  • Tattoo removal creams: Tattoo removal creams are available but aren’t as successful at removing tattoos as other therapies. You can use tattoo removal creams at home by rubbing the cream onto your skin where you have an unwanted tattoo. Most tattoo removal creams contain acids that can irritate or damage your skin. Tattoo removal creams work slowly, so it could take several months of regular use before you see results.

What is the process of a laser tattoo removal procedure?

Before your procedure, you’ll meet with a trained, certified physician who’ll evaluate your situation and inform you about the process. They’ll evaluate your skin and may ask questions that could include:

  • When did you get this tattoo?
  • Have you undergone any prior tattoo removal procedures?
  • Was the tattoo was applied by an amateur or professional?

Your provider will also measure the size of your tattoo and they might take a photo of it to record the results of your procedure. Your provider will choose a treatment plan based on the type and color of ink in the tattoo and the depth of the tattoo pigment in your body.

During a laser tattoo removal procedure, you can expect the following to happen:

  • You’ll wear protective eye shields.
  • Your skin’s reaction to the laser is tested to determine the most effective energy for the treatment.
  • The treatment itself consists of placing a hand piece against the surface of your skin and activating the laser light repeatedly (pulse) over the surface of the tattoo.

Smaller tattoos require fewer pulses and larger ones require more. In either case, the tattoo requires multiple visits for treatments. After each treatment, the tattoo should become lighter.

After each session, your healthcare provider will give you instructions about how to take care of your skin.

Why does it take more than one session to remove a tattoo with laser tattoo removal?

It takes more than one session to remove a tattoo because when you got your tattoo, your tattoo artist applied the ink in layers. Because lasers break the ink pigment into smaller particles, it then takes some time between sessions for your body to flush out the ink. Your skin also needs time to heal. If you receive laser treatments, the procedure can sometimes cause swelling and blistering and can temporarily alter the color of your skin. Sometimes, superficial scarring may develop or your skin may be permanently discolored.

Will laser tattoo removal completely remove my tattoo?

Each person’s tattoo removal process is different. It’s relatively common for tattoo removal to not remove a tattoo completely. But some tattoo removal procedures will completely remove the tattoo from your body. When tattoo removal isn’t 100% successful, some colors of tattoo dye resist removal, and some pigment is too deep for lasers to reach, for example. Certain colors may be easier to remove than others. Blue or black tattoos respond well to laser treatment because they’re better at absorbing light.

Can I remove a tattoo at home?

There are some types of at-home tattoo removals that aren’t recommended by healthcare providers because they may damage your skin or cause an infection.

Tattoo removal creams are a type of at-home treatment where you rub a cream on your skin as you would a lotion. Tattoo removal creams claim to break down the permanent ink particles in your skin using strong chemicals. The success of tattoo removal creams varies, and many people experience skin irritation after using the cream.

Another type of at-home tattoo removal process is salabrasion, which is the removal of the top layers of your skin using an aggressive salt rub. This type of tattoo removal can cause pain or lead to an infection.

If you want to remove a tattoo, visit a healthcare provider or a dermatologist and don’t try to remove your tattoo on your own at home.

How do I find a doctor to remove my tattoo?

If you’re interested in tattoo removal, start by visiting a primary care provider. They may be able to recommend a dermatologist or surgeon who specializes in tattoo removal. As there are several different choices for tattoo removal, you may want to consider your options by having a consultation with both a surgeon and dermatologist to get their opinions on what type of removal procedure is best for you.

How long does tattoo removal take?

Each type of tattoo removal takes a different amount of time depending on the size, color and location of your tattoo. It could range from a few minutes for laser tattoo removal or a few hours for surgical excision. You may need several tattoo removal sessions, especially if you choose laser tattoo removal. It can take between six and 12 visits and sometimes more before you see results.

How do I take care of my skin after tattoo removal?

Your healthcare provider or surgeon will discuss instructions on how you should take care of your skin after a tattoo removal procedure.

Immediately after treatment, you can apply an ice pack to soothe the treated area. You may need to apply a topical antibiotic cream or ointment to your skin. You should use a bandage to protect the site.

You can shower the next day, but it’s best to avoid scrubbing the affected area. You should also cover the treated area with sunscreen when you go outdoors. Try not to pick at your skin after treatment because it could lead to scarring.

Tattoo Removal: How It Works, Process, Healing & Scarring (2024)


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