Romantic Valentine’s Day Quotes | thortful (2024)

One way to confess your love this February 14th is with romantic Valentine’s Day quotes but who wants to spend time scouring the internet to find the right one? Since we’re all about feeling warm and fuzzy, we’ve compiled some of our favourite quotes we’ve come across from cheesy love quotes and empowering single quotes to beautiful song lyrics about love.

While we’re on the topic of romantic Valentine’s Day quotes, why not browse our range of Valentine’s cards and find the perfect one to express your love:

Jelly Armchair
The Girl Next Draw
Pickled Post
Hannah Jayne Lewin
la la la Designs

Cheesy love quotes

When it comes to love, is anything really ever too corny? For those people who just absolutely love being in love, these cheesy love quotes will sit perfectly in a supercute Valentine’s Day cardto your soulmate:

  • “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr Seuss
  • “Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones
  • “True love is singing karaoke ‘Under Pressure’ and letting the other person sing the Freddie Mercury part.” – Mindy Kaling
  • “We are most alive when we are in love.” – John Updike
  • “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.”- Leo Christopher

Empowering Valentine’s Day single quotes

Of course, you don’t have to have a partner for Valentine’s Day so whether you’re single this February 14th, or know someone else who is, then these empowering single Valentine’s Day quotes are perfect for reminding someone how amazing they are:

  • “Single is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize.” – Mandy Hale
  • “I don’t need Prince Charming to have my own happy ending.” – Katy Perry
  • “I love being single. It’s almost like being rich.” – Sue Grafton
  • “Single and fabulous, exclamation point.” – Carrie Bradshaw,Sex and the City
  • “I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not defined by another person.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody”- Maya Angelou

Short Valentine’s quotes

Some people are great at pouring their entire heart out but if you find it difficult to do that then these short and sweet quotes are ideal for you. Here are some of our favourite short valentine quotes that sum up love in fewer words:

  • “I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect.” – Taylor Swift
  • “There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.” – Jane Austen
  • “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Hermann Hesse
  • “Tis better to have lost and loved than never to have loved at all.” – Ernest Hemingway
  • “Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.” – Elaine Davis
  • “We don’t need to explain our love. We only need to show it.” – Paulo Coelho

Beautiful song lyrics about love

Perhaps there’s a particular song that has a special meaning to you and your partner – potentially a first dance song choice? Here are a few of our favourite song lyrics about love that make our hearts melt:

  • “Like a river flows. Surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes some things are meant to be.” –Can’t Help Falling In Love, Elvis Presley
  • “L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see. V is very, very extraordinary. E is even more than anyone that you adore can. Love is all that I can give to you.” –L-O-V-E, Nat King Cole
  • “You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you. You’d be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived.” –Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You, Frankie Valli
  • “You’re my end and my beginning. Even when I lose I’m winning.” –All of Me, John Legend
  • “Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was.” –Perfect,Ed Sheeran
  • “All along there was some invisible string, tying you to me.”- Invisible String, Taylor Swift

Romantic movie quotes

Movies sometimes really do have some of the best and most iconic phrases about love. That’s exactly why we’ve pulled together a few of our favourite romantic movie quotes about love from both rom coms and classic romance films:

  • “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” – Moulin Rouge (2001)
  • “When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – When Harry Met Sally (1989)
  • “I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person.” – 50 First Dates (2004)
  • “People do fall in love. People do belong to each other, because that’s the only chance that anyone’s got for true happiness.” —Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)
  • “Some people are worth melting for.” – Frozen (2013)
  • “To me, you are perfect.”- Love Actually (2003)

Heartfelt quotes from literature

Do you enjoy truly eloquent phrasing? Why not let those famous for their writing skills do the talking for you and take a look at some heartfelt literature quotes about love that we’ve found:

  • “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” –Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
  • “I do love nothing in the world so well as you – is not that strange?” –Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare
  • “I’m not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me.” –Normal People, Sally Rooney
  • “You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.” –Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell
  • “As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” –The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
  • “I know from experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.”- A Room with a View, E.M. Forster

Well, these are just some of our picks for romantic Valentine’s Day quotes for him and beautiful Valentine’s Day quotes for her that you can use to add that little extra touch to yourValentine’s Day cardthis year. And if you don’t feel like any of these work for you then you can have a look at our other blog onwhat to write in a Valentine’s Day cardfor even more inspo.

While you’re here you’ll probably want to check out thethortful blogwhere you can discover all sorts of fun reads includingdouble date ideas and what your favourite rom com says about you.

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Romantic Valentine’s Day Quotes | thortful (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.