MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries - Complete Modding Guide (2024)

MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries - Complete Modding Guide (1)

  • Title: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries
  • Release Date: May 27, 2021
  • Developer: Piranha Games Inc.
  • Publisher: Fireshine Games

This guide will show you everything that you need to know how to install and use mods in MechWarrior 5:
Mercenaries. In case you encounter some crashing issues after installing mods, we recommend check this guide on how to fix the errors.

Modding Basics

To add a mod in MW5, usually, you download a zip file from the Nexus and then unzip it into the game’s modding directory. The standard directory is:

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\MW5Mercs\MW5Mercs\Mods

As an illustration, a mod file structure could look like this:

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\MW5Mercs\MW5Mercs\Mods\co*ckpit_HD\<mod files>

Keep in mind that you might have to make the Mods directory if it’s not there already.

Putting your mod’s files in this directory doesn’t turn on the mod in the game; it just shows it in the in-game mod list. To activate it, go to the mod list and tick the box next to the mod’s name. This action activates the mod’s files, allowing them to change the game. After doing this, it’s a good idea to restart the game.

Mods follow a specific order, determining which ones take precedence in case of conflicts. Usually, the game handles mod order automatically, so you usually don’t need to worry about it. It’s generally not recommended to manually sort mods in MW5 unless you’re experienced or the mods suggest it. The mods I recommend don’t require manual sorting.

Mods Overview

In the game menu, the names of mods might be different from their names on the Nexus. I’ve mentioned these differences in each mod’s description. If you install the entire list, you might notice conflicts between Yet Another Mechlab and MechNormal_HD. This is okay and nothing to be concerned about.

MW5 Mod Compatibility Pack:
There’s a special pack you can get for MechWarrior 5 mods. It helps certain mods play nice with each other. You can find it here: MW5 Mod Compatibility Pack. In the game, it goes by the name MW5Compatibility.

Source HD Texture:
If you want your co*ckpit and mechs to look cooler, there’s a mod for that too. Check out the Source HD Texture. It gives your co*ckpit and mechs a makeover. Look for it in-game as co*ckpit_HD, MechNormal_HD, and MechNormal_HD_DLC.

Mod Options:
This one lets you tweak some settings for certain mods. It’s called Mod Options. Look for it in the game as Mod Options.

Immersive Overheat and Power-Up Warnings:
If you want the overheat and power-up moments to feel more real, grab Immersive Overheat and Power-Up Warnings. But watch out, it might not get along with ‘co*ckpit Glass’ mod. Find it in-game as co*ckpitOverheat.

Color Heat Gauge:
Make your heat gauge more colorful with the Color Heat Gauge mod. It goes yellow and then red as things heat up. In-game, it’s known as ColorHeatGauge.

Improved Mech Shader:
For a better-looking mech, try out Improved Mech Shader. Go for the dull version for the best effect. You’ll find it in-game as MechShaderV2.

Portrait and HUD distortion effect:
To spruce up your comms messages, check out Portrait and HUD distortion effect. The green version is recommended. It’s known as Portrait_effect in-game.

Yet Another Weapon:
If you’re tired of the same old weapons, get Yet Another Weapon. It adds lots of new, lore-friendly weapons. Look for it as YetAnotherWeapon.

Yet Another Mechlab:
The Yet Another Mechlab mod is a big deal. It lets you customize your mechs a whole lot more. This one is a must-have. Find it in-game as YetAnotherMechlab.

330’s Pilot Overhaul:
Want better NPC pilots? Get 330’s Pilot Overhaul. It’s a game-changer for pilot improvements. Look for it as PilotOverhaul.

vonBiomes 15:
For more diverse biomes, try vonBiomes 15. It adds a bunch of new environments to explore. Look for it in-game as vonBiomes.

vonHUD – Complete HUD Overhaul and Battlegrid Updates:
Improve your game’s HUD with vonHUD. It gives your Heads-Up Display a makeover. In-game, it’s known as vonHUD.

Harmonic Warfare:
If you want better in-game music, check out Harmonic Warfare. It’s getting updated for DLC5 soon. Find it as HarmonicWarfare in the game.

Make enemy mechs and lance mates smarter with TTRulez_AIMod2. It vastly improves their combat behavior. Look for it as TTRulez_AIMod2.

MW5 Portrait Overhaul:
If you want more diverse pilot portraits, get MW5 Portrait Overhaul. It adds variety to how the pilots look. Find it as MW5_Portrait_Overhaul.

Star Map Mouse Over – Mission Logos:
To see critical info for missions on the Star Map, use Star Map Mouse Over – Mission Logos. It makes mission details clearer. Look for it as SMMO.

Shush Ryana:
Tired of NPCs talking too much during missions? Silence them with Shush Ryana. It prevents redundant info. Find it as ShushRyana.

Recommended Mods That I Don’t Use:
There are some mods that are recommended but not used by this player. They are:

  • Yet Another Weapon Clan
  • Yet Another Equipment Collection
  • Yet Another Clan Mech
  • Coyote’s Missions

Mod Setup

First, do the installation of all the mods listed in my recommended mod list (the part above this one). Pay close attention to the instructions, and make sure to turn on all the mods in the Mods menu on the main menu screen (before entering a game).

After you’ve turned on the mods and restarted the game, you should hear different music in the menu, not the usual music. If you still hear the regular music, something went wrong, and you should start the process again.

Assuming you installed all the mods correctly, you can now start setting up the game properly. I’ll be giving you some suggestions to make what I think is the best gameplay for a challenging campaign mode. Of course, you can adjust these to fit your own preferences.

Go to the Settings screen from the main menu, and click on the Gameplay tab to get started.

In the Gameplay Tab:

  1. Turn off Arm Lock.
  2. Choose your preferred ‘Mech Control Mode.
  3. Disable Throttle Decay.
  4. Keep Torso Counter Rotation off.
  5. Turn off Enable Minimap Lock North.
  6. Disable Crosshair Cooldown Pips.
  7. Keep Mirror Paper Doll off.
  8. Turn off Enable Vibration.
  9. Disable Aim Assist.
  10. Select co*ckpit Camera as the View Mode.
  11. Turn on Toggle Sprint.

In the Gameplay Tab, Pilot Overhaul:

  1. Set Hiring Hall, Pilot Wage Modifier to 0.25 (default is 1.00).
  2. Leave all other settings as default.

In the Mod Options Tab, Yet Another Weapon:

  1. Keep all settings as default.

In the Mod Options Tab, Yet Another Mechlab:

  1. Maintain all settings as default.

In the Mod Options Tab, vonBiomes:

  1. Keep all settings as default.

In the Mod Options Tab, vonHUD:

  1. Maintain all settings as default.

In-Game Menu (load a saved game, press Escape, and go to YAML GAME SETTINGS):

  1. Click Load Preset and choose Balanced?
  2. Set Difficulty, ‘Mech and Pilot Upkeep Multiplier to 5.00 (default is 2.00).
  3. Uncheck Difficulty, Pay Upkeep For Cold Storage (default is checked).
  4. Leave all other settings as default.

That's everything we are sharing today for this MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries guide. This guide was originally created and written by Yosharian. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.

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MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries - Complete Modding Guide (2024)


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