How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (2024)

How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (1)

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It’s a cliche to say that writing a love letter can seem like a lost art. But unfortunately, it highlights the difficulty that some may face in expressing themselves through written words.

Romantic communication has been reduced to Instagram-ready gestures. This is a shame because nothing quite does the job of declaring love and desire the way a love letter can.

A love letter can express sweet affection between two people who have been together for decades. It can keep things hot and heavy between two long-distance lovers. It can add spice to a relationship that’s turned boring.

Are you trying to learn how to write a love letter?

You would think that people would be willing to write something with many romantic benefits. But fear may have something to do with people not attempting it. Nobody wants to write a love letter that flops.

They certainly don’t want to be ridiculed for it. That would be mortifying.

Why write a love letter?

Writing a love letter can be a thoughtful way to share your feelings with the one you love, especially if you feel slightly embarrassed sharing your feelings in person.

There is also a certain romance embedded in sitting down and jotting down the depths of your feelings for the one you love. It can give you a more comfortable medium to show how much you care for the other person.

On the other hand, love letters give the object of your affection a chance to understand how you feel about them. These feelings can be a revelation for them, a validating reminder, or something they cannot get tired of hearing.

A love letter can remove the complacency that might harm a loving relationship. It can be kept as a souvenir that reminds you of a phase in your relationship. You can save these and read them whenever you feel like it.

How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (2)

15 tips to write the best love letter for your loved one

There is good news. Anyone can write a love letter. It just takes sincere feelings, a bit of planning, and these fifteen tips on how to write a love letter.

1. Ditch the devices

How to write a love letter? Actually, write it!

If you’re going to put yourself out there and share your feelings, this is no time for an email or text. If you have nice handwriting, please use it and write a fantastic love letter. If not, at least type it and print it out.

Create a keepsake, not something the next bit of malware can wipe away.

There are various ways to compose nice letters to write. To make your love letter even more romantic, use some nice stationery.

Something with nice color or even a subtle pattern would work well here. You can even do something old-fashioned and spritz it with your lover’s favorite cologne or a drop or two of scented oil.

Related Reading: How Your Cell Phone Is Destroying Your Marriage and Relationships

2. Show you care by showing that you notice and remember

What to write in a love letter?

Forget a generic message about love and how much someone means to you. Those are the things that anybody could say to anybody else. Instead, focus on showing that you pay attention and that you remember special things that are just between the two of you.

For example, instead of writing, ‘I love you, and you mean the world to me,’ write about a specific memory or a personality trait in them that you find endearing. People love to be ‘seen’ and appreciated.

Related Reading: 20 Ways to Show Someone You Care About Them

3. Make sure your love letter has a purpose

One way that deep love letters can go bad is when they ramble on without any real point. What are some things to say in a love letter? Remember that this is a love letter, not a romantic stream of consciousness. Before you start writing, know what you want to communicate.

Wondering what to put in a love letter?

Maybe you want to get your partner in the mood for a romantic encounter. Maybe you just want them to feel uplifted and appreciated during a hard time. Whatever you pick is fine. It just helps to have a focal point.

4. It’s okay to be funny

Anyone who says that humor cannot be sexy is dead wrong. Often, the best romantic memories we have are tinged with humor.

What couple doesn’t have a disastrous date story or a funny anecdote? Even better, who isn’t uplifted by humor?

Love note ideas include writing things that can make your partner laugh over silly things or fondly remember past incidents and laugh about them.

Of course, humor isn’t something you should force or fake. Still, if your relationship thrives on making one another laugh, don’t be afraid to use that in a love letter.

How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (3)

5. Take the time to do it right

No, nobody is going to grade you on your romantic letter.

That said, why not take the time to polish your letter, especially if you’re trying to impress someone special? Did you know that there are companies that will write letters for you? Most will also proofread and edit your letter to express your true feelings.

Check out:

  • Grammarly – Use this online grammar-checking tool to ensure your writing hits all the right notes.
  • – This is one place to call if you need someone to proofread or edit your love letter.
  • Letters Library – As the name says, this is a library of example letters on various topics. What a great place to get inspired.
  • TopAustraliaWriters- If your writing is rusty, check out the writing samples here for extra help.
  • GoodReads – Find some great books to read here for romantic inspiration. You may find a romantic line or two that you can use.

6. Be yourself

The best romantic letter will come from you, not some overly romanticized version of yourself. Write from the heart and show your personality. Your letter should sound natural. Try writing how you speak so that it’s truly unique to you. This is one of the tips for writing a special love letter.

7. It’s okay to borrow from others

What do you do if you can’t find the words to write? Well, you can borrow some from another writer!

Don’t be afraid to use quotes from romantic movies or books. You can even try a song lyric or two. Pick up a book of romantic poetry, and see what speaks to you.

8. Write about the journey

There are no set rules for a handwritten love letter format. If you are still deciding what to write about in the love letter, consider writing your journey with your partner. Make the past, present, and future the outline of your letter.

Write about how you met and how you felt when you first met them.

Move on to the present and how you like to spend time with them and move on to talk about where you see the relationship going. It makes for a great structure for the love letter.

How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (4)

9. Just write your heart out

Write your heart out without worrying about what it sounds like and the letter’s structure. You can always edit the letter to make it coherent and easy to read. Remember, it is a love letter, and the only prerequisite is to convey your feelings.

10. Do not worry about the length

It may be challenging to write a love letter across pages if you are not a writer, which is okay. A shorter letter is better than a bad one. Just make sure your message goes across.

11. Keep them as the center

Remember writing love letters can seem difficult, but ensure that they remain the prime focus, not you. Do not be afraid to get personal; talk deeply about your feelings and love. Make sure you give them due importance in your words and your letter.

12. Try to end with an action

Are you confused about how to write a love letter, more importantly, what things to write in a love letter?

You can start by making your lover feel all mushy with your romantic love letter, but it only makes sense to end it with an action.

Ask them out on a romantic date, or ask them to meet you at a particular place. You can take the romance up by recreating your first date with them.

13. Write about the good memories

Even if you are writing to your partner because your relationship is going through a tough patch, make sure you do not mention the bad memories. The love letter will be around forever, and you do not want to discuss the bad phases of the relationship in them.

When you and your partner look at it years later, it should only trigger good memories.

Check out this fun video where couples recall their fondest memories of their relationship. You can use these as your inspiration:

How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (5)

14. Stick to the classics

Are you confused about how to write a love letter?

If you are still trying to decide what to write in your love letter, stick to the classic ideas. Write a hundred reasons you love them or make a scrapbook where pictures help you convey your emotions.

15. Write in their language or style

How to write a love letter that sweeps them off their feet?

If you and your partner have different backgrounds, how about you write the letter in their language? You can always find someone to translate the letter for you or use internet services. It will be a super romantic gesture on your part!

How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (6)

Some commonly asked questions

If you are wondering how to write a love letter that truly expresses your feelings and would make your partner feel loved, certain questions might be plaguing your mind. Here are some answers to some of the more pressing questions regarding the perfect love letter:

  • What is the most romantic love letter?

In the quest for love letter tips, remember that a love letter is not about perfection; a love letter is all about personalization. If what you have written has an impact on the object of your affection, that is what will make it perfect.

Try to assess what matters to your partner and let that guide you into what the content of your letter should be. Add humor, nostalgia, poetry or gravitas based on the degree to which these move her.

  • What should you not say in a love letter?

As such, there are no limitations on what you shouldn’t include in a love letter. However, try to ensure that you don’t include details or use a tone that would hurt your partner or make them question the depth of your feelings for them.

  • Are love letters healthy?

Writing a love letter can improve the quality of a relationship if it makes your partner feel loved, understood and cared for. It can also be a good outlet if you find it difficult to express your feelings through other means.

Relationship counseling shows us that expressing one’s feelings is a good way of making the love bond stronger and more resilient.

While writing a letter, one can relive important moments of their relationship, and the one receiving it can feel the same while reading it. It can release dopamine, which makes your bond even stronger.


It’s time to impress your love! Get them primed up for romance with a beautifully written letter using the tips on how to write a love letter. Do not worry too much about how it will turn out, and take your time. Your partner will appreciate the effort and the love you put into it.

How to Write a Love Letter? 15 Meaningful Tips (2024)


How do you write a love letter with a heart touch? ›

You have to just write what comes to your heart, if you really love her, your thoughts are going to sound as beautiful as she seems to you. Write about the small moments you've had together that made you realise your love for her. Letting her know how you see her is one of best ways of writing a heartfelt letter.

How do I start off a love letter? ›

Start off with a sweet salutation like, "Dear darling," "To my love" or using their special nickname so they know this letter is all about them. Don't be afraid to get mushy to really set the mood. Next, tell them why you're writing a letter instead of just signing a generic card.

What do you write in a letter to the love of your life? ›

Write down memories, what you love about your partner, what you see in your future together, or whatever your heart desires.

How to write a good love note? ›

Express why you love them, what you appreciate about them, and what makes them different from anyone else. You know your recipient well, so tailor the text to describe what they want to hear most. Package your note in an aesthetically pleasing way.

How to write a love letter to your soulmate? ›

Speak From Your Heart

It doesn't need to be more than a paragraph or two. You want to write it from the depth of your heart and speak directly to the man of your dreams, expressing your innermost hopes and desires. You could say something like, “I just know you're out there. I can feel it in my soul.

What are deep emotional words to melt her heart? ›

Heartfelt Message Ideas to Make Her Heart Melt

Your laughter fills my life with joy, your love makes every day worth living. You're my sun, moon, and all my stars. Love you, forever and beyond. Behind every beat of my heart, there's a whisper saying how much I love you.

How do you write a heartfelt message? ›

  1. Start with a personal introduction. Address the recipient by name and let them know why you're writing.
  2. Share a specific memory or experience. This will help the recipient feel connected to you and your message.
  3. Express your feelings. ...
  4. Be sincere. ...
  5. End with a closing that leaves a lasting impression.
Jul 26, 2023

What is a deep true love? ›

Deep connection

True love fosters a connection that goes beyond the superficial. It's a bond that often involves understanding each other's core values, beliefs, and life goals. This connection creates a sense of companionship, where both partners feel they're on the same team, working towards common dreams.

What is the sweetest love letter? ›

I want you to know that the way you have supported me, you have become my guardian angel and I can't thank you enough for this. I promise to love you enough to always see the best in you, even when you are at your worst like you did. I will always be thankful to you for being who you are.

How do you write a final love letter? ›

End on a heartfelt statement of love.

Be creative and write something that accurately sums up your feelings for your significant other. Dating coach Crista Beck advises to “tell [your partner] what they mean to you and how their love has changed your life for the better… like 'wow, your love has altered my existence.

What is the love letter method? ›

The Love Letter method is a self-concept method because the idea there is that you change the beliefs of a person through writing a love letter to yourself. And in this love letter, you're writing it from the POV of the person that you want to think differently about you.

How do you write a deep love letter? ›

How to Write a Love Letter
  1. ONE: Create a special greeting. ...
  2. TWO: Get specific about your lover's qualities. ...
  3. THREE: Dive into your relationship. ...
  4. FOUR: Share a favorite memory in your love letter. ...
  5. FIVE: Express a hope.
Feb 9, 2022

How do you express love feelings in a letter? ›

Literally "count the ways" you love them, and list some of the reasons for your love. Talk about how your life has changed since they became a part of it and why you are grateful for that. Talk about the future, where your relationship will be going next, how you will be there to support and "show up" for each other.

How do you write love in a unique way? ›

To a boyfriend, girlfriend, and/or romantic love
  1. I love you.
  2. I love so much.
  3. I love you a lot.
  4. I love you too.
  5. I love you forever.
  6. I love you unconditionally.
  7. I love you to the moon and back.
  8. I love you with all my heart.
Oct 2, 2023

How do you write a poetically love letter? ›

When writing a love poem, begin with a feeling or an image. Next, think about specific details about the person or the relationship. Consider writing about the firsts you experienced together. It's better to be more concrete than abstract.


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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.