Christmas Day Speech for Students in English (2024)

Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. The name Christmas comes from Mass of Christ or Jesus. Christmas is celebrated globally by Christians. Christians consider Jesus Christ to be “The Son of God”.

Below is the best Christmas speech ever which is a basic long speech on Christmas day. Along with that, a short Christmas speech of 200-300 words is also provided here.

Long Speech on Christmas Day

Good morning everyone! As we all know Christmas is around the corner, so it’s time to recall why Christmas is celebrated every year around this time. Every year Christmas is celebrated on December 25. It is believed that December 25 is the birth of Jesus Christ. The name of Christmas comes from the mass of Christ or Jesus.

Christmas is celebrated all over the world with joy and happiness, especially by Christians. It is the time of the year when friends and family come together and celebrate it with joy and spread happiness with each other. It is a time of the year where everyone remembers how grateful they are and also helps in doing voluntary work to help poor people.

The significance of Christmas is known to everyone. As we all know Christmas is celebrated as the day of the birth of Jesus Christ in this world and it symbolises the significance of life. He was born in a world that only knew greed, hatred, vengeance, and hypocrisy. In spite of all the negativity that was spreading around the world as he grew old, he eliminated all of it and taught everyone to love each other and the significance of how being grateful for what a person has can bring peace to the world.

There are a few popular traditions on which Christmas is centred. Following these traditions helps in enjoying Christmas to its fullest. The most popular ones are decorating Christmas trees with light, exchanging gifts, attending church for prayers, and spending time with friends and family.

The Christmas tree is considered to be a symbol of Christ. Decorating a Christmas tree is considered to be an ancient custom that reminds everyone how valuable life is. Christmas is enjoyed to its fullest by kids as they get gifts from Santa Claus. Gifts are exchanged on Christmas to signify the birth of Jesus. Before the birth of Jesus Christ, It was considered to be the time of sadness, cruelty ruled the land and everyone’s heart was filled with vengeance and hatred towards each other. After the birth of Christ and as he grew old he spread as far as possible. Sharing a gift and having a meal with each other helps everyone to realise how grateful they are to have a family that cares.

Christmas remains the most enjoyable time of the year. It is time to be grateful for what one has. It is the best time to eat tasty food and spend time with your loved ones. It is the time of the year to realise helping the poor is the noblest deed. It is a festival that spreads warmth in each individual. So this Christmas make sure to enjoy it to the fullest and be grateful for everything. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Short Christmas Speech For Kids

Good morning everyone! As we all know Christmas is around the corner and everyone is busy preparing it to be the best one of their lives.

Christmas is the season of love, harmony, and spreading awareness. Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25 as it is considered to be the day on which Jesus Christ was born. The name of Christmas comes from the mass of Jesus. Christmas celebration is a symbol of peace and love. It is celebrated around the world with joy and happiness.

It is considered to be the time of the year when friends and family come together and celebrate it with joy and spread happiness around them.

The significance of Christmas is known to everyone and as we all know it is celebrated as the day of birth of Jesus Christ. It symbolises the significance of life. He was born in a world that was full of hatred, anger, and hypocrisy. In spite of all these conditions, Jesus Christ was able to change people’s hearts and taught everyone how only love and gratitude can spread peace around the world.

There are a few popular trends on which Christmas is celebrated. Following these trends helps in enjoying Christmas to its fullest. One of the trends in decorating trees and houses with light which symbolises hope and joy. Christmas is mostly enjoyed by children as they get gifts from Santa Claus.

I wanna conclude my short speech on Christmas by saying that it remains to be the most enjoyable holiday of the year. It is time to be grateful for what you have. It is time to spend time with family and friends and also share food and gifts with poor people. So this Christmas make sure to be grateful, spread happiness, and enjoy it to the fullest. Thank you and Merry Christmas to everyone

10 Lines on Christmas Speech In English

  1. Every year Christmas is celebrated on December 25.

  2. Christmas is celebrated as the day of the birth of Jesus Christ in this world and it symbolizes the significance of life.

  3. The name of Christmas comes from the mass of Christ or Jesus.

  4. It is the time of the year when friends and family come together and celebrate it with joy and spread happiness with each other.

  5. The world was full of hate, anger, and hypocrisy when Christ was born but in spite of that, he was able to change people’s hearts and filled it with joy.

  6. The trends that are done to enjoy Christmas to its fullest are decorating trees with lights, having a meal with friends and family, and exchanging gifts.

  7. The Christmas tree is considered to be a symbol of Christ. Decorating a Christmas tree is considered to be an ancient custom that reminds everyone how valuable life is.

  8. Christmas is fully enjoyed by kids as it’s believed that they get gifts from Santa Claus.

  9. It is the time of the year to realize helping the poor is the noblest deed. It is a festival that spreads warmth in every individual.

  10. Christmas remains the most enjoyable time of the year. It is time to be grateful for what one has.

Christmas Day Speech for Students in English (2024)


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