57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (2024)

Inspirational and motivational quotes can come in as a source of comfort, strength, and encouragement when you need it most. As life can be tough with its challenges and setbacks at some point in our lives, and it can happen that we feel overwhelmed and discouraged.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (1)

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength

Sometimes we need a little extra push to keep going, to keep chasing our dreams, and to keep believing in ourselves.

And whether you’re going through a tough time or simply need a reminder of your own resilience, these quotes can help you find the courage to keep moving forward.

Plus, in this post that intends to motivate, inspire, and empower you, you’ll find a FREE CLASS you can attend that can help you take it a step further and unlock your full potential.

Let’s dive in!

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  • 3 Biggest Mistakes With Self-acceptance
  • 3 Biggest Mistakes With Self-acceptance

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57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (2)

You are the author of your own story. Make it a page-turner.

We are all unique and flawed, but that is what makes us beautifully human.

You are tougher than you think so just stay strong and keep moving forward.

You can probably accomplish much more than you think you can in life, but you have to believe it first.

Parenting is not about being perfect, but rather about being supportive, present, and authentic.

3 Biggest Mistakes With Self-acceptance

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (3)

Embrace your fears instead of letting them hold you down and use them as fuel to propel you forward.

Don’t get caught up on waiting for everyone else to see and validate your worth. You are valuable just the way you are.


  • Self-Love Resources
  • Personal Growth Resources
  • Recommended Books, Workbooks, And Journals

Believe in your ability to make a difference in this world with what you’ve got inside of you, and you will. Just take a first step.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, you have to be willing to do things that others won’t and go places others are scared to see and explore.

Don’t hope for the perfect moment to come, instead focus on creating the best moments and on seeing more good in each moment.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (4)

Be more courageous in effectively and assertively communicating your values, needs, emotions, and preferences if you want to have a more harmonious life.

Look at every challenge as your unique opportunity for personal growth and development. So you’d better embrace the discomfort if you want to come out stronger on the other side.

Believe in your capabilities and trust the journey. As you are capable of achieving greatness but you have to bet on yourself first.

Don’t let the fear contol you, instead realize that you’re the one in charge. And then take a chance and see what can unfold for you.

Our words have the power to inspire, uplift, and transform lives but also ruin them as one can take them very seriously. Choose them carefully, wisely and think before you speak.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (5)

Start treating yourself like you would treat those you care about, love, and respect, and start at this very moment.

Before you proceed to the next quote, let me ask you this:


Would you like to uncover:

  1. What level of consciousness you’re really at.
  2. How to shape the world according to your thoughts
  3. Are your thought patterns holding you hostage?
  4. The Antidote to Adversity.
  5. 7 surprising side effects of expanding your consciousness.
  6. How to master your emotions.
  7. Can you really train yourself to grow on autopilot?

If your answer is yes, considering attending this masterclass:How to bend reality and rapidly achieve even your most audacious goals.

The author of this masterclass, Vishen Lakhiani, founder ofMindvalley,an award-winning education movement with millions of students worldwide and growing fast, empowers you to achieve higher states of consciousness, tap into your fullest potential, and bend your life’s reality, in this 69-minute class.

I’ve gone through his Be Extraordinary program along with a million other people (you heard that right!) who enrolled in it as well, and I can say that it’s not just about philosophical concepts but also a manual and a framework for great success and personal mastery, with a lot of theoretical and practical insights, advice, and steps.

Instead of settling for goals that don’t have the potential to bring everything you desire into your life and only serve as a shield to protect us from unpleasant emotions (like disappointment), it’s much better to set bold goals that can, in fact, make all your wishes come true.


What you can expect once you begin engaging with this platform is:

  • true self-discovery so that you canstart identifying your real preferences, aspirations, goals, and dreams
  • setting meaningful goals that have the potential tofulfill your need for self-actualization as opposed to only living on someone else’s terms and building someone else’s dream in order to be acceptedby the environment and perceived as successful
  • liberation from fabricated societal expectation and norms that not only don’t serve you, but are in fact representing oppressionwhich is suffocating your soul that only wants you to live in alignment with whom you truly are and not what society expects you to be
  • tofinally awaken your authenticity by letting yourself be visible as opposed to being shy or ashamed of who you aredeep down or what you want behind the closed doors
  • to acquire skills tomake life decisions aligned with your core values and true desirescoming from the depth of your being
  • beginstepping into your potential and move towards reaching full potentialunique for you and different from anyone else’s in the world
  • becomeskilled at self-love that holds the key to building the life of your dreams
  • finallybecome comfortable in your own skin, doing your own thing, and going where you truly wantto go in life
  • build the life you are proud to call your own and experience lasting fulfilment because your consciousness is so expandedthat you don’t need to worry about whether things will work out for you ever again, as now you have skills and support to make them work
  • healthy and vibrant mind, body, soul, and relationships, considering that the platform delves deep into all these topics and areas of life.


Start to give more but don’t forget about opening up to receiving as well, as both can be equally challenging in life.

Stay focused on your goal and remain determined not to chase the shiny objects that appear along the way. They will only slow down your progress.

Value your life and yourself so much that you don’t let them be pushed around, get ran over, and go to waste.

Start looking at yourself as a person with endless potential, options, and opportunities to ses your life blooming.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (6)

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Even though it may be a trying and tough time now that doesn’t mean you’re done. You can still end up living the life you desire to live.

Things will sometimes get worse before they get better because we need some lessons learnt quickly and efficiently. So keep moving forward despite of difficulty.

If you remain focused on your imperfections, mistakes and stay stuck in the past you will deprived yourself of the bright future ahead of you.

Give yourself enough time to heal and recover after a hard time and support and nurture yourself just like you would if instead of you it’s about someone you deeply care about. And communicate to others that you need this at this moment.

Believe that you can overcome anything that comes your way and remain focused on your strengths not on your struggles.


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If you’re having a hard time, talk to someone you can trust and share your concerns and emotions because this will help you move pass them quicker and you get a chance to feel supported and understood.

Be gentle with yourself and others and this can spread so then the circle of kindness gets created.

When you are generous, you not only give to others, but you also give to yourself the gift of kindness and compassion.

Your personal strength will be shown in your ability to enpowe yourself and keep going when the going gets tough.

You don’t need to change who you are to grow. It’s about becoming who you want to become and improving to be better for yourself and others and not about dismissing who you are.

Recommended Resources For You:

  • Live By Your Own Rules Program: rediscover your true self and design a life of uncompromising authenticity and fulfillment in this soul-affirming journey where you’ll overcome oppressing and fabricated societal standards ruling your life without your conscious permission.
  • Conscious Parenting Mastery Program: embrace a new model of parenting that will enable you to raise authentic, confident, and well-adjusted kids after you break free from the parenting norms that don’t serve you or your child.
  • Becoming Focused And Indistractible FREE Masterclass: uncover what it takes to regain your focus and productivity in a distraction-filled world and becoming indistractable in this empowering program. And help your kids become it too.
  • Energy Medicine FREE Masterclass: by Donna Eden: follow a renowned healer extensively recognized by both scientific and alternative branches of healthcare in a transformational journey towards awakening your body’s natural healing ability and understand how to reconnect with the natural healing systems existing within you and master your body’s energy systems and correct energetic blocks and weaknesses.
  • Money EQ by Ken Honda FREE Masterclass: Japan’s No. 1 personal growth teacher, developed a program for healing your money wounds, releasing your fear, stress, and anger around money, and achieving a lifetime of true financial wellbeing.
  • The Integral Life FREE Masterclass: by a legendary modern philosopher Ken Wilber, uncover how you can embody his signature integral theory for a life of deeper fulfillment, self-actualization, and impact. The Integral Life offers an ‘operating manual’ for thinking, growing, and being the most whole and fully realized version of yourself.
  • Be Extraordinary FREE Masterclass: understand how you can achieve higher states of consciousness, tap into your fullest potential, and bend your life’s reality.
  • Uncompromised Life FREE Masterclass: learn about Marisa Peer’s acclaimed Transformational Hypnotherapy process for creating deep and lasting change in your inner programming and your life.
  • The Silva Ultramind System FREE Masterclass: get familiarized with Hose Silva’s techniques and tools for harnessing altered states of mind to awaken your mind’s fullest potential and transform your reality.
  • Longevity Blueprint FREE Masterclass: learn more about a blueprint to extraordinary longevity and health, based on leading-edge science and time-tested data from the world’s longest-living cultures, giving you the ultimate solution to a long, healthy, fulfilling life.
  • 3 Biggest Mistakes With Self-acceptance You Keep Making That Are Killing Your Self-love
  • Parental Guidance: Self-evaluation Guide For Parents
  • Recommended Books, Workbooks and Journals

Just know that you are worthy of respect, love, compassion, and kindness, especially from yourself.

Self-love means accepting yourself as you are, while also working towards becoming the version of yourself of which you’ll be proud.

When we accept ourselves as we are, we pave the way for self-growth and personal transformation.

True self-acceptance comes from within, when we stop being excessively dependent on external validation and learn to appreciate and honor our unique selves.

Once you accept yourself, including your flaws you get a chance to open more space for personal growth, healing, and transformation.

The first step towards personal growth and transformation is accepting that change is necessary for growth to happen.

True fulfilment is not found in the things we acquire, but in the moments we share with the people we care about.

Happiness should not be your goal as happiness is just an emotion that passes just as others do, so focus on a sense of purpose and fulfillment instead.

Joy is not found in the absence of pain, but in the presence of gratitude and wonder for all the good in ones life.

Let joy fill you and radiate from you as it will touch the lives of those around you not only yours.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (7)

Choose to give yourself the love you deserve.

Make it a priority to treat yourself with love, compassion, and respect to ensure you make the best decisions for your life.

You have the ability tochange your life no matter your age or the amount of time that has passed.

You can avoid the mistakes of the past by learning from them and not repeating them in the future.

Discoveryour own way to do things in lifeand let others do the same.

3 Biggest Mistakes With Self-acceptance

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (8)

Model the behavioryou want to see in others.

Allow the future to unfold naturally as it could potentially bring about your most fulfilling moments.

Be prepared for your freedom to face challenges and never give up on defending it.

They can take everything from you, but they can never take what you know and what you’ve experienced.

To achieve the best outcomes, embrace discomfort in life.

Every mistake that we make has the potential to become the seed for our future success. It is through acknowledging and learning from our mistakes that we can develop the skills and knowledge necessary for growth and achievement.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (9)

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Instead of dwelling on our mistakes, we should embrace them as opportunities for growth and pave the way for a brighter future.

Success is not determined by the absence of mistakes, but rather by how you respond to them.

Don’t judge yourself for your “bad” experiences, because you can turn your negative experiences into valuable knowledge that can help you navigate similar situations in the future.

Avoid escaping from yourself because you can never leave your own company.

Despite the challenges you’re facing, acknowledge and celebrate yourself for remaining committed to your authentic self.

Remember that it’s okay to take time to process your emotions and that healing is a journey, not a destination.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (10)

Avoid penalizing yourself for being deceived, tricked, defrauded, or hurt. Instead of punishing yourself, try to focus on finding ways to heal and move forward from the situation.

Just because you are going through challenges times doesn’t mean you are unworthy of blessings and opportunities.

You may want to check out also:

  • Is Self-love The Best Love You Can Give Yourself (+46 Reasons Why)
  • Why It Is Important For Love Yourself: 5 Essential Reasons
  • Self-Love Hacks 6 Practices To Cultivate More Love Fo Yourself
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  • 14 Things To Do To Improve Your Life And Elevate Your Existence
  • Top 10 Things To Buy To Improve Your Life Drastically
  • What If You’re Having Difficulty Going Through Hard Times? (9 Tips)

Instead of trying to start from scratch or feel like you have to begin again, focus on taking small steps forward, no matter how difficult it may seem. Each step can bring you closer to finding a way out of the situation you’re in.

To overcome difficult times quicker, treat yourself with kindness and compassion instead of being hard on yourself.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – embrace them as opportunities to learn and become better.

Establishing and respecting your boundaries and yourself is crucial if you wish for others to honor them.

Remember that progress is not always linear, and setbacks are a natural part of growth, so keep moving forward, even if it’s at a slow pace, and you will eventually reach your destination.

Recommended Resources For You:

  • Live By Your Own Rules Program: rediscover your true self and design a life of uncompromising authenticity and fulfillment in this soul-affirming journey where you’ll overcome oppressing and fabricated societal standards ruling your life without your conscious permission.
  • Conscious Parenting Mastery Program: embrace a new model of parenting that will enable you to raise authentic, confident, and well-adjusted kids after you break free from the parenting norms that don’t serve you or your child.
  • Becoming Focused And Indistractible FREE Masterclass: uncover what it takes to regain your focus and productivity in a distraction-filled world and becoming indistractable in this empowering program. And help your kids become it too.
  • Energy Medicine FREE Masterclass: by Donna Eden: follow a renowned healer extensively recognized by both scientific and alternative branches of healthcare in a transformational journey towards awakening your body’s natural healing ability and understand how to reconnect with the natural healing systems existing within you and master your body’s energy systems and correct energetic blocks and weaknesses.
  • Money EQ by Ken Honda FREE Masterclass: Japan’s No. 1 personal growth teacher, developed a program for healing your money wounds, releasing your fear, stress, and anger around money, and achieving a lifetime of true financial wellbeing.
  • The Integral Life FREE Masterclass: by a legendary modern philosopher Ken Wilber, uncover how you can embody his signature integral theory for a life of deeper fulfillment, self-actualization, and impact. The Integral Life offers an ‘operating manual’ for thinking, growing, and being the most whole and fully realized version of yourself.
  • Be Extraordinary FREE Masterclass: understand how you can achieve higher states of consciousness, tap into your fullest potential, and bend your life’s reality.
  • Uncompromised Life FREE Masterclass: learn about Marisa Peer’s acclaimed Transformational Hypnotherapy process for creating deep and lasting change in your inner programming and your life.
  • The Silva Ultramind System FREE Masterclass: get familiarized with Hose Silva’s techniques and tools for harnessing altered states of mind to awaken your mind’s fullest potential and transform your reality.
  • Longevity Blueprint FREE Masterclass: learn more about a blueprint to extraordinary longevity and health, based on leading-edge science and time-tested data from the world’s longest-living cultures, giving you the ultimate solution to a long, healthy, fulfilling life.
  • 3 Biggest Mistakes With Self-acceptance You Keep Making That Are Killing Your Self-love
  • Parental Guidance: Self-evaluation Guide For Parents
  • Recommended Books, Workbooks and Journals

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In conclusion, we hope these 57 inspirational and motivational quotes have helped you to push beyond your limits and unleash your inner strength.

No matter if you’re facing a difficult challenge, feeling discouraged, or just need a little boost of motivation, these quotes can serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement.

Remember, the journey to success and personal growth is not always easy, but it’s worth it.

By staying positive, focused, and determined, you can achieve your goals and overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

So keep these quotes close to your heart, and let them remind you of your strength, resilience, and potential to succeed.

I’ll see you in my next post! But before you go, make sure to sign up for a completely FREE Masterclass that will help you understand how your level of consciousness is related to your accomplishments, challenges, success and life in general. You’ve got nothing to lose but so much to get when you enrol in it.

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (17)

3 Biggest Mistakes With Self-acceptance

57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (18)
57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (19)
57 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Inner Strength - Joanna Bel (2024)


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Only you can limit you and only you can break that limit. Step outside your comfort zone. If you don't push your limits, you'll never get better.

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Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look. The sun shines not on us but in us.

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The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt. President Roosevelt's quote encourages us to shed our doubts and embrace the limitless potential of the future. It reminds us that our doubts are the only true obstacles on the path to progress.

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You have to believe in yourself, challenge yourself, and push yourself until the very end. You only get one shot in your life, and you might as well push yourself and try things.

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Always believe in yourself and always stretch yourself beyond your limits. Your life is worth a lot more than you think because you are capable of accomplishing more than you know.

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Inspirational Quotes About Facing Difficult Times

"The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it." "The only way to grow is to face challenges that seem beyond your strength." "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations." "Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever."

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Here are 20 classy quotes from inspiring women that are practically made for social media:
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We are stronger than we think. We have emotional, spiritual and even physical resources at our disposal. We may get knocked down, but we don't have to stay down.

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"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Nelson Mandela. "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today" - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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  3. "Always be yourself and have faith in yourself.
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  • “You alone are enough. ...
  • “Believe in yourself and all that you are. ...
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  • “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do.” ...
  • “You alone are enough.
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Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. Believe in yourself, your abilities and your own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. You are worthy of all that you dream of and hope for.

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Repetition, repetition, repetion; equals Results. Perseverance means keep pushing. Don't resist the growing pains, push through them. Gorgeous avenues gets lined up for you in the unseen when you keep pushing relentlessly through the pain, discomfort and challenges.

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"Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks." "The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: abolition of private property." "The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class."

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One finds limits by pushing them – Herbert Simon.


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.