45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (2024)

Table of Contents
Visual Art vs Written Art Frida Kahlo: A Lesson About Strength 1. Pies, ¿para qué los quiero si tengo alas para volar? 2. Amurallar el propio sufrimiento es arriesgarse a que te devore desde el interior 3. Al final del día, podemos aguantar mucho más de lo que pensamos que podemos 4. Todo puede tener belleza, aún lo más horrible 5. Árbol de la esperanza, mantente firme 6. Hay algunos que nacen con estrella y otros estrellados, y aunque tú no lo quieras creer, yo soy una de las estrelladísimas 7. Lo que no me mata me alimenta 8. Dolor, placer y muerte no son más que el proceso de la existencia. La lucha revolucionaria en este proceso es una puerta abierta a la inteligencia 9. Muchas veces en el dolor se encuentran los placeres más profundos, las verdades más complejas, la felicidad más certera Famous Quotes About Love 10. Dame ilusión, esperanza, ganas de vivir y no me olvides 11. No dejes que le dé sed al árbol del que eres sol 12. ¿Se pueden inventar verbos? Quiero decirte uno: yo te cielo, así mis alas se extienden enormes para amarte sin medida 13. Escoge una persona que te mire como si quizás fueras magia 14. Yo, que me enamoré de tus alas, jamás te las voy a querer cortar 15. Quisiera darte todo lo que nunca hubieras tenido, y ni así sabrías la maravilla que es poder quererte 16. Te amo más que a mi propia piel 17. Mi sangre es un milagro que, desde mis venas, cruza el aire de mi corazón al tuyo Frida Kahlo Quotes About Diego 18. Era una flor solitaria, mariposa gozosa te posaste ahí; después el polen de otra flor más fragante llamó, y la mariposa voló 19. ¿Por qué le llamo “mi Diego”? Nunca fue ni será mío, es de él mismo 20. Si yo pudiera darte una cosa en la vida, me gustaría darte la capacidad de verte a través de mis ojos. Sólo entonces te darás cuenta de lo especial que eres para mí 21. Tantas cosas por decirte y tan pocas salen de mi boca, deberías aprender a leer mis ojos cuando te miro 22. Jamás en toda la vida olvidaré tu presencia, me acogiste destrozada y me devolviste íntegra, entera Inspirational Quotes About Life 23. El hombre es dueño de su destino y su destino es la Tierra, y él mismo la está destruyendo hasta quedarse sin destino 24. Cada tic-tac es un segundo de la vida que pasa, huye, y no se repite 25. Si actúas como si supieras lo que estás haciendo, puedes hacer lo que quieras 26. Donde no puedas amar, no te demores 27. Tan absurdo y fugaz es nuestro paso por este mundo, que solo me deja tranquila el saber que he sido auténtica, que he logrado ser lo más parecido a mi misma 28. Del año más maligno, nace el día más bonito 29. El mundo es de quien nace para conquistarlo y no de quien sueña que puede conquistarlo 30. Viva la vida Women Quotes about Self-Love 31. Yo le duro lo que usted me cuide, yo le hablo como usted me trate y le creo lo que usted me demuestra 32. Me pinto a mí misma porque soy a quien mejor conozco 33. Lo quise hasta que mi dignidad dijo: no es para tanto 34. Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras 35. Soy mi propia musa, soy la persona que mejor conozco, soy la persona que quiero mejorar 36. La belleza y la fealdad son un espejismo porque los demás terminan viendo nuestro interior 37. Tú mereces lo mejor de lo mejor, porque tú eres una de esas pocas personas que, en este mísero mundo siguen siendo honestas consigo mismas, y esa es la única cosa que realmente cuenta 38. Si usted me quiere en su vida usted me pondrá en ella. Yo no debería estar peleando por un puesto 39. No quiero un amor a medias, rasgado y partido por la mitad. He luchado y sufrido tanto que me merezco algo entero, intenso, indestructible Positive Frida Kahlo Quotes in Spanish About Art 40. Pinto flores para que así no mueran 41. El arte más poderoso de la vida es hacer del dolor un talismán que cura, una mariposa que renace florecida en fiesta de colores 42. A veces prefiero hablar con obreros y albañiles que con esa gente que se hace llamar gente culta 43. En realidad no sé si mis cuadros son surrealistas o no, pero sí sé que representan la expresión más franca de mi misma 44. El surrealismo es la mágica sorpresa de encontrar un león dentro de un armario, donde se está seguro de encontrar camisas 45. Nunca pinto sueños o pesadillas. Pinto mi propia realidad Learn Frida Kahlo’s Native Language Join one of the 40,000 classes that we teach each month and you can experience results like these Want to learn more about Latin American culture? Check out our latest posts! References

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (1)

May 16, 2022 by Nicole Canún Hispanic Culture 0 comments

Can you really empower your life with these 45 Frida Kahlo quotes?

The simple answer is yes.

Frida Kahlo is a late Mexican painter who discovered her talent while confined to a hospital bed after shattering her spine in a bus accident. Soon after her recovery, Frida found her path and mission in life as a prolific modern artist.

Not just her art, but also her life journey represents overcoming struggle and finding your power as an individual.

That’s why these 45 quotes—found written in Spanish in her diary—are truly powerful.

The following are the best of Frida Kahlo’s quotes in Spanish with English translations!

Table of Contents:

  • Visual Art vs Written Art
  • Frida Kahlo: A Lesson About Strength
  • Famous Quotes about Love
  • Frida Kahlo Quotes About Diego
  • Inspirational Quotes about Life
  • Women Quotes about Self-Love
  • Positive Frida Kahlo Quotes in Spanish About Art
  • Learn Frida Kahlo’s Native Language

Visual Art vs Written Art

Frida Kahlo’s art is folkloric, colorful, symbolic, and one-of-a-kind. In fact, some say Kahlo is the number one painter of Mexico and Latin America.

But it’s not her visual art we’re exploring in this blog post—instead, it’s her written art.

She always looked for a sense of completeness and found it within herself. She captured those feelings in her paintings but explained them in words.

Like this:

No soy frágil como una flor, soy frágil como una bomba.
I am not fragile like a flower, I am fragile like a bomb.

Don’t miss your chance to grow, get empowered, and gain deep life lessons from this powerful, modern artist.

Frida Kahlo: A Lesson About Strength

Frida Kahlo is the personification of strength. As a kid, she fought polio, as a teenager she went through numerous surgeries in an unsuccessful attempt to fix her spine, and as an adult, according to her, she suffered from something worse—a broken heart.

If this Hispanic painter can conquer the world despite these setbacks, so can you!

Let the following empowering quotes be your source for inspiration.

1. Pies, ¿para qué los quiero si tengo alas para volar?

Feet, what do I need you for if I have wings to fly?

This is one of the most famous Frida Kahlo quotes. Many urban muralists in Mexico and the world paint Frida with wings.

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (2)

2. Amurallar el propio sufrimiento es arriesgarse a que te devore desde el interior

To wall off your own suffering is to risk it devouring you from the inside.

3. Al final del día, podemos aguantar mucho más de lo que pensamos que podemos

At the end of the day, we can take much more than we think we can.

4. Todo puede tener belleza, aún lo más horrible

Everything can have beauty, even the most horrible.

5. Árbol de la esperanza, mantente firme

Tree of hope, stand firm.

6. Hay algunos que nacen con estrella y otros estrellados, y aunque tú no lo quieras creer, yo soy una de las estrelladísimas

There are some who are born with a star and others are born crashed, and even if you don’t want to believe it, I am one of the most crashed ones.

In Spanish, the words “starred” and “crashed” are the same. This Frida Kahlo empowering quote in Spanish has a little humor towards the tragedies she lived through. In Mexico, we believe that some people are born “with star”, meaning with luck. Frida felt she fell on the other side of the spectrum.

7. Lo que no me mata me alimenta

What doesn’t kill me feeds me.

8. Dolor, placer y muerte no son más que el proceso de la existencia. La lucha revolucionaria en este proceso es una puerta abierta a la inteligencia

Pain, pleasure and death are nothing more than the process of existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is an open door to intelligence.

In other words, it is what it is, make the best of it.

9. Muchas veces en el dolor se encuentran los placeres más profundos, las verdades más complejas, la felicidad más certera

Many times in pain are found the deepest pleasures, the most complex truths, the most certain happiness.

Many Frida Kahlo empowering quotes in Spanish have contrasts and opposites. Frida had no choice but to enjoy to the fullest the little things. She found her talent and life mission while agonizing in bed. They say that the most beautiful flower is the one that is born in the swamp.

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (3)

Famous Quotes About Love

Frida Kahlo’s raw material to paint was her feelings, whether she felt love or despair, that was fuel for her imagination and hands. Most people that are familiar with her story know about her love interests and heartbreaks. Here’s a taste of them:

10. Dame ilusión, esperanza, ganas de vivir y no me olvides

Give me illusion, hope, desire to live and don’t forget me.

11. No dejes que le dé sed al árbol del que eres sol

Do not let the tree of which you are the sun get thirsty. This is a reminder that tells us to be fair. If you are someone’s sun, it is unjust to leave them with no water.

See also: 11 Most Famous Hispanic Paintings of All Time

12. ¿Se pueden inventar verbos? Quiero decirte uno: yo te cielo, así mis alas se extienden enormes para amarte sin medida

Can verbs be invented? I want to tell you one: I heaven you, that way my wings spread enormous to love you without measure.

13. Escoge una persona que te mire como si quizás fueras magia

Choose a person who looks at you as if perhaps you were magic.

Yet another crown jewel of these Frida Kahlo empowering quotes in Spanish. This piece of enthralling Mexican poetry will last forever in the collective memory of many.

14. Yo, que me enamoré de tus alas, jamás te las voy a querer cortar

I, who fell in love with your wings, will never want to cut them off.

Frida Kahlo empowering quotes in Spanish like this one show us her true colors. She didn’t need to eclipse anyone to stand out, nor did she find pleasure in demeaning or minimizing others. Frida recognized other people’s talents, and they were no impediment for her to shine.

15. Quisiera darte todo lo que nunca hubieras tenido, y ni así sabrías la maravilla que es poder quererte

I would like to give you everything you would never have had, and even then you would not know how wonderful it is to be able to love you.

16. Te amo más que a mi propia piel

I love you more than my own skin.

17. Mi sangre es un milagro que, desde mis venas, cruza el aire de mi corazón al tuyo

My blood is a miracle that, from my veins, crosses the air from my heart to yours.

Did this Frida Kahlo empowering quote in Spanish make you think of her masterpiece, “Two Fridas”?

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (4)

Frida Kahlo Quotes About Diego

Mexican painter and muralist Diego Rivera was Frida Kahlo’s husband. He met her when she was young and was severely impressed by her work. Diego often said he was her number one fan and helped Frida career wise. They got married, divorced, and remarried. He broke her heart many times but always ended up together.

18. Era una flor solitaria, mariposa gozosa te posaste ahí; después el polen de otra flor más fragante llamó, y la mariposa voló

I was a solitary flower, joyous butterfly you perched there; then the pollen of another more fragrant flower called, and the butterfly flew.

19. ¿Por qué le llamo “mi Diego”? Nunca fue ni será mío, es de él mismo

Why do I call him “my Diego”? He never was and never will be mine, he belongs to himself.

Frida reveals us how her love for a significant other came out in the shape of respect for their individuality and freedom.

Continue reading: Frida Kahlo and Diego: Legends and Icons of Mexican Culture

20. Si yo pudiera darte una cosa en la vida, me gustaría darte la capacidad de verte a través de mis ojos. Sólo entonces te darás cuenta de lo especial que eres para mí

If I could give you one thing in life, I would like to give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then you will realize how special you are to me.

21. Tantas cosas por decirte y tan pocas salen de mi boca, deberías aprender a leer mis ojos cuando te miro

So many things to tell you and so few come out of my mouth, you should learn to read my eyes when I look at you.

22. Jamás en toda la vida olvidaré tu presencia, me acogiste destrozada y me devolviste íntegra, entera

Never in my life will I forget your presence, you took me in shattered and gave me back complete, whole.

Inspirational Quotes About Life

Who better to teach us about life than a true survivor of all kinds of tragedies like Frida Kahlo? We can easily relate to this reflections from her diary.

23. El hombre es dueño de su destino y su destino es la Tierra, y él mismo la está destruyendo hasta quedarse sin destino

Man is the master of his destiny and his destiny is the Earth, and he himself is destroying it until he is left with no destiny.

As you can see, there are some Frida Kahlo empowering quotes in Spanish about taking care of the planet. Even back then it was evident that we are destroyers by nature.

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (5)

24. Cada tic-tac es un segundo de la vida que pasa, huye, y no se repite

Each tick-tock is a second of life that passes, flees, and is not repeated.

25. Si actúas como si supieras lo que estás haciendo, puedes hacer lo que quieras

If you act like you know what you’re doing, you can do whatever you want.

This is one of the best Frida Kahlo quotes and a great life advice. Apparently she is the original creator of “fake it till you make it.”

26. Donde no puedas amar, no te demores

Where you can’t love, don’t delay.

Frida based her whole life on love and other feelings. She believed that nothing was worth living without love. Through her eyes, you are wasting your time if you stay where you don’t belong.

See also:

27. Tan absurdo y fugaz es nuestro paso por este mundo, que solo me deja tranquila el saber que he sido auténtica, que he logrado ser lo más parecido a mi misma

So absurd and fleeting is our passage through this world, that it only gives me calm knowing that I have been authentic, that I have managed to be the closest thing to myself.

28. Del año más maligno, nace el día más bonito

From the most evil year, the most beautiful day is born.

Another Frida Kahlo empowering quote in Spanish with contrasts and opposites. We should take the opportunity of learning through her experience to always focus on the good things in bad situations.

29. El mundo es de quien nace para conquistarlo y no de quien sueña que puede conquistarlo

The world belongs to those who are born to conquer it and not to those who dream that they can conquer it.

30. Viva la vida

Long live life.

The title of the beautiful song written by British rock band Coldplay, came from this Frida Kahlo quote and painting. After the song’s release, they decided to end their tour in Mexico as tribute.

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (6)

Women Quotes about Self-Love

Frida Kahlo once wrote in her diary that she wasn’t good with words. I don’t agree. Her masterfulness in this field makes her a very complete artist. How could she not be? Frida surrounded herself with writers, poets, and other language experts.

Today, Kahlo is considered one of the mothers of feminism in Mexico. People debate it as they say that she tolerated more than what is acceptable from Diego. But at the end, maybe it was that experience what put on track these next phrases that are the hymns of feminism around the world.

31. Yo le duro lo que usted me cuide, yo le hablo como usted me trate y le creo lo que usted me demuestra

I will stay with you as long as you take care of me, I talk to you as you treat me and I believe you what you show me.

From all Frida Kahlo empowering quotes in Spanish, this one is the epitome of feminism in Mexico and the anthem of the feminist banners in national demonstrations. What it means is that as a woman you shouldn’t believe lies or forgive wrong actions. You should treat others as they treat you, as they have earned, and as they deserve. To be congruent and consistent is key in a relationship.

Recommended reading: 12 Contemporary Spanish Female Artists Who Will Empower You

32. Me pinto a mí misma porque soy a quien mejor conozco

I paint myself because I am the one I know best.

33. Lo quise hasta que mi dignidad dijo: no es para tanto

I loved him until my dignity said: he is not that big of a deal.

And he wasn’t. Today Frida Kahlo is considered the most prominent and representative painter of Latin America, well above her husband, Diego Rivera.

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (7)

34. Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras

Fall in love with yourself, with life and afterwards with whoever you want.

35. Soy mi propia musa, soy la persona que mejor conozco, soy la persona que quiero mejorar

I am my own muse, I am the person I know best, I am the person I want to improve.

36. La belleza y la fealdad son un espejismo porque los demás terminan viendo nuestro interior

Beauty and ugliness are a mirage because everyone else ends up seeing our interior.

37. Tú mereces lo mejor de lo mejor, porque tú eres una de esas pocas personas que, en este mísero mundo siguen siendo honestas consigo mismas, y esa es la única cosa que realmente cuenta

You deserve the best of the best, because you are one of those few people who, in this miserable world, remain honest with themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts.

Something worth saying to the mirror in the mornings.

38. Si usted me quiere en su vida usted me pondrá en ella. Yo no debería estar peleando por un puesto

If you want me in your life you will put me in it. I should not be fighting for a position.

It’s really that easy. If you are someone’s priority they will show it. Don’t fight for a spot in someone’s heart, when they should provide it in the first place.

39. No quiero un amor a medias, rasgado y partido por la mitad. He luchado y sufrido tanto que me merezco algo entero, intenso, indestructible

I don’t want a half love, torn and split in half. I have fought and suffered so much that I deserve something whole, intense, indestructible.

Hand-picked for you: 10 Famous Mexican Artists You Don’t Want to Miss

Positive Frida Kahlo Quotes in Spanish About Art

40. Pinto flores para que así no mueran

I paint flowers so that they don’t die.

41. El arte más poderoso de la vida es hacer del dolor un talismán que cura, una mariposa que renace florecida en fiesta de colores

The most powerful art in life is to turn pain into a talisman that heals, a butterfly that is reborn, flowered in a festival of colors.

42. A veces prefiero hablar con obreros y albañiles que con esa gente que se hace llamar gente culta

Sometimes I prefer to talk to workers and masons than to those people who call themselves “cultured.”

43. En realidad no sé si mis cuadros son surrealistas o no, pero sí sé que representan la expresión más franca de mi misma

I don’t really know if my paintings are surreal or not, but I do know that they represent the most frank expression of myself.

44. El surrealismo es la mágica sorpresa de encontrar un león dentro de un armario, donde se está seguro de encontrar camisas

Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion inside a closet, where you are sure to find shirts.

45. Nunca pinto sueños o pesadillas. Pinto mi propia realidad

I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (8)

Learn Frida Kahlo’s Native Language

Frida Kahlo empowering quotes in Spanish can change your life and so can learning Spanish!

Learning Spanish is a great idea. It can open a door to Hispanic art and travel easier to Hispanic places. When you plan on mastering a second language, you are getting closer to a new culture. This one is full of vibrant colors, tasty food, impressive artwork, and new experiences.

More than 580 million people speak Spanish around the world and it is the third language with the most native speakers just after Chinese and Hindi.

Imagine coming to Mexico to visit Frida’s birthplace while speaking her native tongue! Make your experiences and connections more meaningful starting now.

Where to start? At Homeschool Spanish we offer individualized, flexible, online sessions where you will improve your conversation skills by practicing with our certified, native Spanish speakers.

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Nicole Canún

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Blogger, content creator, and marketer. Proudly Mexican. Been to 30 countries. I love learning from different cultures and trying their cuisines. Obsessed with Asia. Fluent in Spanish and English, not so much in French.

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Frida Kahlo Hispanic Culture

45 Empowering Quotes by Frida Kahlo in Spanish (2024)


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