1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (2024)

  1. Xei

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    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode-12-30-2023#1


    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (1)





    Apr 2020


    With the release of the new Bronzeman Mode, we are giving away some huge prizes to go along side the new game mode. There are several pots of OSGP to be won (or bonds should you choose) for a variety of events. The FIRST player to achieve each of the criteria below and submit the screenshot on discord in the channel #submissions will win the prize, should they achieve this on the new gamemode.

    You will be able to choose Bronzeman mode as a game type from the 1st January 2024 on freshly made accounts.

    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (2)

    25m OSGP Events (or 75 bonds)


    The first player to complete the Barrows log (green log).

    BronzeJip - 04/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to obtain a Dragon Warhammer.

    Newtothis - 07/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to obtain a Abyssal Bludgeon.

    Ty Gp - 20/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to get a Slayer Boss or Boss Pet (excluding holiday events, Tzrek-jad & TzTok-Jad group boss event).

    Ty Gp - 09/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to get a Theatre of Blood drop (excluding dust / helm / kits).

    Ty Gp - 14/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to get a Chambers of Xeric drop (excluding kits / dust / scrolls).

    Ty Gp - 06/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to get a Corporeal Beast drop (sigils only).

    Newtothis - 17/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to get a Zulrah unique (excluding onyx).

    Ty Gp - 03/01/24 PAID
    - The first player to get the Venator Bow from Phantom Muspah (Must obtain all x5 Venator Shards from drops). X - Not Claimed

    The first player to get a skilling pet.

    WeGrowWeWin - 04/01/24

    50m OSGP Events (or 150 bonds)

    - The first player to complete Cerberus (green log). X - Not Claimed

    - The first player to complete any God Wars Dungeon Boss (green log).

    Ty Gp - 19/01/24 PAID
    - The first player to obtain full Inquisitors Armour & Mace. X - Not Claimed
    - The first player to obtain full Ancestral Robes. X - Not Claimed

    - The first player to obtain the Voidwaker.

    Ty Gp - 08/01/24 PAID

    100m OSGP Events (or 300 bonds)
    - The first player to reach max total level on Hard difficulty.

    BronzeLuke - 07/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to reach 1b total experience.

    Ty Gp - 25/01/24 PAID

    - The first player to complete the Inferno.

    Bronzemen - 18/01/24 PAID
    - The first player to complete the Nex log (green log). X - Not Claimed
    - The first player to complete a Raid log (green log). X - Not Claimed

    - After a submission has been made in the relevant channel and confirmed, the winner will be named on this thread after which they will be paid at the end of January, or when the event is completed if completed early, any un claimed prizes will be used for further events.

    - Any false claims will result in participants being disqualified from the event, this also applies for any cheating of any form.

    - There limit on winnings is 750m OSGP for 1 person, in attempts to keep the challenge open, if this changes towards the end of the even we will let you all know.

    - You will need to be verified on discord to post in the submissions channel, you can do that by clicking this link -

    - Entry's will be processed on a first come, first serve basis, meaning if you get the drop and don't submit it and someone else submits theirs first, they will take the prize.
    Last edited by Ipoy; 02-19-2024 at 02:36 AM.

    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (3)

  2. Xei

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    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (4)





    Apr 2020


    Please note: until the next update the Bronzeman Mode icon will show in game as an Ironman icon, we are currently looking to changing the icons for ranks and a host of other things, so this would hurt mobile player with the constant updates needed and reduce performance of those clients not up to date so we are just holding off a tad on this while we finalise all new icons.Bronzeman mode is not available though the Account Reset Tokens / Process.

    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (5)

  3. Xei

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    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (6)





    Apr 2020


    WINNERS - Please PM Me at DISCORD to claim your winnings on your verified discord account. (to claim bonds you can also message myself or Ipoy ingame)

    1B OSGP Event & Bronzeman Mode (7)

    Closed Thread

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